Happy Days
Hello dearest, darlingest family!
How is everyone doing?? Thanks for all the fun emails this week. =]
It has been such a fun week here in Korea! The excitement of the Olympics has every TV on and tuned in (no we don't watch... but we do catch the occasional glimpse). There was one morning, though, that my companion and I weren't too fond of the Olympics, as cheers rang out in our apartment complex when Korea beat Japan in Soccer... that was 3:00 in the morning here... But after a couple more hours of sleep we were just as excited as everyone else hehe.
First I just want to say that I know that Heavenly Father knows each of us very personally! Last week was a bit rough. I was tired, and it didn't seem like we accomplished very much.. This week was an absolute blessing from above!
I was so happy all this past week! It was wonderful. It was just one of those weeks when you feel cute, you see the rays of sunshine everywhere and no matter what you just have a big ol' silly grin on your face. I LOVE THAT FEELING!!
This week we were able to make some pretty amazing contacts. Tuesday, we had planned to go out and visit a LA. We normally take the 327 bus out there, but because we had to give something to the Elders we missed that bus and had to take the longer route on 807. WELL! On that bus I met this super cute couple from Washington State that are out here teaching English. It's always fun when you see another foreigner and you seem to become best friends instantly. We got to talking and sharing what each of us were doing in Korea. It was such a fun conversation. Now, don't get me wrong, I adore speaking Korean... but it's not the same as speaking your native tongue. So it was fun to talk with them in English. They had heard about the Mormons in the states, but they hadn't realized that we were a world wide religion. I love that moment when the conversation turns from every day things to things of the Gospel. Sadly, our bus ride had to end, but we exchanged numbers and I'm hoping that we can meet up with them again!
Well, we got off to meet the LA...who then wasn't home...So it was back on the bus!! Then, on THAT bus ride home we met two students and I was able to talk with them. After their fit of giggles subsided when they realized I could speak Korean we were able to have a really good conversation. At the end we left them with their own Book of Mormon and we got their numbers to get ahold of them again. We have already been talking to one of the girls, she has been reading and we are planning on meeting her this next week. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK!! Talking to people on the street or bus is a little difficult at times...but when you do talk, and they DO listen, it's such a special experience. I know, especially with these people, Heavenly Father took the plan that we had made the night before and made it His own.
So, fun story for the week... haha So, me and my companion were going from Less Active (LA)'s house to LA house trying to see if anyone was home. After visiting with one lady, we were told of a short cut through the mountains that would cut 20min off of our walk. Her son took it every day to get to school, so it was perfect!! So we head up the road to the path... The way through is beautiful, and the pathway is clear. So off we go. And then we come to a fork in the road, luckily there is a sign! The only problem was the way we needed to go, as the sign pointed, was a LOT smaller of a path then the rest of them... but we trusted in the member so we made our descending climb.... Well, what was a really small path at the fork in the road only got smaller as we went on hahahah Pretty soon we were beating our way through the bushes, hoping the end was near; and luckily it was. The only problem, is the end of the trail was NOT the end of where we needed to be. The little trail put us in the middle of nowhere lol. After a couple more dirt roads we made our way back to a big road and a bus station. We never actually found the Less Active family, but I can now say I've been hiking in Korea! (in a dress, and missionary shoes...) It was fun! lol
Well, our investigators are doing great. Sister Yang is as amazing as ever! When we met with her this last week she talked with us about her feelings about church. She loved every minute of it, but she said that there was something missing. She shared with us that during the service she kept getting the picture in her mind of her entire family being there, sitting with her. She wants her family to be apart of this Gospel as well! So, this next week she is planning on bringing her entire family with her!!!!! I'm so excited! She is truly an amazing woman. She is and will continue to be a great source of good and inspiration to everyone around her.
Our other investigator that is coming along is named 이소정 Lee So Jeong. SoJeong is such a funny girl!! She is 17 Korean, 15 American age and she is a hoot! She likes to play it cool, but we have been seeing the funny side of her more and more often. Her parents were less active for a long time, so her and her brother were not baptized as little kids. Her mom came back to church and her brother was baptized a couple of months ago.. Up until now there has only been Elders in this area and she never really hit it off with them, but with us things have been awesome!! This last week we taught her that God is our Loving Heavenly Father. We talked about how she is a Daughter of God, and therefore a Princess =]! We then whip out a tiara that we made for her!!! heheh It was stinking cute! and on it said "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him". It was so fun to see this girl, who always tries to "play it cool," light up at the sight of the tiara. She loved it and it was an awesome lesson to give her!!
The work is moving forward so quickly here in this area. It's amazing to see how many people Heavenly Father is preparing to receive the message of the restoration. The stories and miracles would take hours to tell y'all about everything that has been going on. I am sooo grateful that we were able to accomplish want Heavenly Father needed us to do this week. I seriously was soo happy! ALL WEEK! hehe And i know that it was also because of the many prayers at home. Thank you for those. I feel those every day.
Cool little thing that I learned this week as I was studying about The Plan of Salvation, in the book True to the Faith it said "The Plan of Salvation is the Fullness of the Gospel". I love that. The plan that God has prepared so that His children could return to Him is the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not only sharing the Gospel, but I am sharing Salvation. It's an amazing responsibility, but I am grateful for the opportunity.
Love y'all!! Kiss Love Hugs
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