Monday, May 20, 2013


Sister Alexandria Scott, from SoCal.

Sunshine and Shorelines!

I'm assuming with no emails from mom and dad that things are going awesome in Hawai’i! They can enjoy their sunshine and shorelines there because I am getting more than enough here! Being right next to the beach is absolutely fantastic!  I love it, and I know my darling SoCal Companion is more than thankful for it as well. 

Well, this past week was BUSY! And I LOVED IT! Every night we come home absolutely exhausted! Seriously, my body just wants to shut down some nights, but there is still so much and too much to do.  Every morning we wake up with our feet still a little sore, but we look forward to another day of hard work.

It's been fun, for our morning exercise we go take a run... up a mountain!  Right near our apartment, there is a mountain with hills, trails and stairs leading up.  It's nice to get some fresh air while our calfs and quads scream in protest.  I think out of all our areas, this one will give me the nicest legs! haha ((it also helps that we make sure that we are home at 9 o’clock every night.  With our packed schedule it makes things a little tight some nights, but Sister Scott isn't afraid to scale some subway stairs and a couple hills in order to be exactly obedient!))

This past week we were able to have some pretty neat lessons with a couple of members and less-actives.  The Lord took what we had prepared and really allowed the Spirit to teach to their hearts. One lesson we talked on faith and shared from Mark 5 about the woman who reached out to simply touch the Savior's robe, having faith that that would be enough.  We talked about how it is not the quantity but the quality of our faith that counts. We talked about scripture reading and prayer and how they strengthen our faith. In the lesson, it didn't feel like we focused on one method in particular, but at the end of the lesson we were impressed to have her offer the prayer.  At first she seemed to nearly refuse, but they she offered up the sweetest prayer of her heart asking the Lord to help her pray more often in faith.  The Spirit really taught to a need that we weren't even aware of.

Another moment came as we were talking with a member.  She had been having a hard time and had taken a lot of offense from what she feels, are inconsiderate members in the ward.  First I said that we would be there to help her out as much as she needed.  She retorted with the fact that I leave in a short time ((70days..)) and that once we are gone she would still have to be in the ward.  That is when the Spirit took over.  I prayed to know what to say that would be able to help her, and the Spirit was able to direct my words.  Heavenly Father then invited her to go heavenwards for her help.  People are imperfect and the world's help and comfort is fleeting and unsatisfying.  But the Lord's help, help sent from heaven, is eternal and healing and loving. That is the help that we all need and that is where we can help people go to. That, I feel, is our purpose.  Going Heavenwards to God and Home.

This weekend we were able celebrate Buddha's Birthday again!! Unlike last year, we weren't able to go anywhere and see the lights, but it was fun to see these beach areas being flooded with foreigners!! It's actually really weird to see other foreigners haha I think my favorite moment was while we were doing some proscylting (I'll never get that spelling down.. the Korean word is so much easier!) anyhow.. while we were down there a girl came up to us with the greeting of "Hi Sisters!!" I can't describe how wonderful it was to hear those words, filled with so much kindness!  What followed was a wonderful conversation with Ellie Atkinson from Idaho!  She's in Seoul teaching school and came down for the celebrations.  Although we couldn't accept her money for ice cream, I was able to get a hug from her and that was wonderful!  I love the Church and the bonds it forms worlds away and with complete strangers.

So many miracles are happening! It's wonderful to see! my companion and I share 3 things every night: 1 miracle, 1 funny moment, and 1 Christ-like attribute we saw in each other that day. It's the perfect way to end every day!  I love missionary work!! I love my companion! and I love being here serving until I literally drop every night! Haha

love y’all! mean it!
kiss love hugs!

Faith, Hope, Charity, and Hard Work

Oh! It was so much fun talking to y’all last week! I think the greatest part about those phone calls is how familiar y’alls voices still sound, even though I haven't heard them in months.  I loved it!  Glad this round worked A LOT better than Christmas. I think my favorite part was just all the giggles and laughing. I love that about our family. Yes, we are excited to hear and talk to each other; yes, we want to share all the good experiences; but at the same time we can have fun and laugh and be ourselves!!  I'm excited for the day-that-shall-not-be-named that we can do all of that around the kitchen table.  I miss y’all, but I am not so sad because I'll be seeing y’all in due time.

WELL!! I'm sure y’all are ready to hear about my fabulous new companion right?!? Ok, So, she is from San Diego (Temecula), California.  She is 20 years old and "awesome" haha ccording to her introduction! Her name is Sister Alexandria Scott. She is the middle sister of the 5 girls in her family.  She loves obedience, she loves hard work and she is not afraid to just go, go, go!  (Which, being over 2 areas, comes in REALLY handy!) She is a little shy to begin with, but her dry and slightly sarcastic humor keeps us going strong! With so many new sisters that just came (14) we didn't actually talk to each other or really interact during the training activities, but Heavenly Father knew that we needed each other and it was a fun surprise on Thursday morning. (Fun side note, I worked with Sister Ellingson for a little bit and fell absolutely in love with her!  She's in Daeshin and will do fantastic!  She'll be an amazing missionary!)

Since the end of Thursday training activities we have been going like crazy! Every night we can barely make it through planning for the next day because we are so blissfully tired. Going between both areas has been an adventure for sure. Thankfully the Elders haven't been too bothered with our constant cascade of questions. Really, they are just excited that there are finally sisters here, and for that I am extra grateful.

With only a few days under our belts in this area, we are doing pretty good.  The Area Books are nearly organized, we finally got a map book so we know (slightly) where we are going, and our we have been able to meet some amazing people throughout the days that seem to have a lot of potential to have their hearts opened to the gospel. One person I'm really excited about, came on our first day together in the areas.  We were with the Haeundae elders headed over to visit a LA lady.  On the bus ride over, Elder Gomez started talking to this mother.  After a bus ride conversation she gave us her contact information and we have set up a time to meet with her in her home this next Thursday!!  I'm so excited.  We actually have a couple more of those stories so we'll let y’all know how they turn out.

We had one round of our 3 English classes ((all in different areas.. we have to help out the SuJeong Elders too...)) on Saturday and my companion was excited for that one. Being a new missionary is rough.  Sometimes I nearly forget.  One of the things that I am most grateful for about Sister Scott is her love for the Korean people already.  She, kind of like when I first came, just wants to talk with them!  She loves them already, now she just wants to be able to express that and share the gospel that she loves so much. But English class was a good de-stresser for her.  There we are able to talk in both English and Korean AND be able to fulfill our purpose.

My favorite day of the week was SUNDAY!! Oh my heavens...I am in LOVE with this ward!!!! We went to Haeundae ward for the first Sunday because one of our investigators was present.  It was so much fun to great everyone, ask their names (we made a list of all the sisters there and wrote a small description of each one's outfits or qualities, so we could start memorizing and using names!) and then introduce ourselves as the Sister Missionaries now in that area. I think the most humbling part was their overwhelming excitement to FINALLY have sister missionaries back in this area!  They were all SO SO excited to see us and great us. It gave us the motivation to want to work even harder.  Not that we weren't going to, but now we want to live up to, not only the Lord's expectations and Trust, but also theirs.  Though we are working hard, the Lord seems to have spoiled us with the best ward in the mission.  I have never felt so instantly welcomed. It was amazing!!

After Church we were able to set up some appointments for that week and now we have an entire week with only about 5 hours of time left unplanned at the moment. Whew! 

Sunday afternoon and night we headed over to our other area and met with those sets of Elders and began planning a fireside that we want to have in a couple weeks.  We are talking about Faith, Hope and Charity, and it’s a fireside that is going to be focused on doing missionary work, especially through Family Home Evening.  When thinking about the member's needs we realized that they want to do missionary work, they just don't know quite how; and two, if there is any program that is not living up to its potential it's FHE.  This fireside is going to be really focused on teaching the members how to do missionary work within the walls of their own homes and inviting others through their hope, their faith and their charity to learn more about and partake of the gospel.  I'm excited for how it will turn out!

The night ended with a wonderful dinner at the couple missionary's house in our 2nd area Gwangan.  They are amazing and so full of fire. It was amazing to see the work they have been doing with LA's and others in the area.  I'm excited to work closely with them and use them to our advantage!  Their house is a place of the spirit.

Wow! So much has happened and so much more is about to happen! It's amazing to be here and I am loving every minute of it!! Thank you all for your love and support. Thank you for the prayers and for sharing with me your missionary experiences.  The next step in your sharing is the invitation to act.  As Elder Nelson said, if you ever need ideas or help "Ask the Missionaries!!"

I love you all!! thanks for everything! you are in my prayers!!
kiss love hugs!

Already Busy!

I don't know if y’all realized, but we get to actually hear each other's voices tomorrow!!! EEEP!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! Like, for reals. I don't have to imagine your voices as I read the emails, because I get to hear them tomorrow!! YEAH!! So this past week in Daegu was a busy one, and one full of surprises.

So not to get confused, last week I talked about transfers right? Well that was a special case, emergency transfer, and not the regular, end of the 6 weeks, transfer. THOSE transfer calls came this Thursday!!

Y’all ready??!?! SO After 5 months and 4 transfers in Daegu, experiencing both the winter and the beginning of summer, I finally got a transfer call this past Thursday! Now it looks like I'll be spending the rest of my mission back down in the Busan area at the Beautiful Hae.un.dae!!! (I don't know how you spell it in konglish!) But it is the richest city in Korea, next to Seoul. There are beautiful beaches and right now the work is booming!! 

Well, that's not all!! Not only will I be over Haeundae, but I'll also be in charge of the neighboring Gwangan! 

That's not the end...I'm opening up both areas to sisters. Yep, I'm the first and only sister there. OHH!! 

And then I should probably mention that will be doing all of this with a brand new missionary!!!!!



Fun thing, as missionaries, in our last district meeting of the transfer we always do transfer predictions on who is going where. Yep, I TOTALLY guessed it! I had been feeling for awhile that I would be headed back down south and I'm really excited that it came true. The 8 elders (2 sets in each area) I get to work with are absolutely amazing! From the Haeundae side of things, I am inheriting 3 investigators and from the Gwangan side of things, I have 2 really good potentials. ((One, thanks to Sister Kersey who met a lady, became really close and they have been in contact with each other for months!! She referred me over and I'm excited to meet her!!))  I also already have a couple of referrals to contact that I received from missionary family members and an English class member from Daegu!  She already called her friend and told them I was coming. It's amazing to see how ready Heavenly Father is to have the work go forward there and I'm excited for the challenge!! I prayed really hard to be busy my last 2 transfers and now I have no doubt that I will be. Now i'm just praying to get a companion that will be able to keep up!!

As for my 3rd 'daughter' Sister Choi Hanna, she got her own surprise on Thursday when, after only 6 weeks, she too will be training!!!!! Crazy huh!?!  There are so many Sisters coming that Heavenly Father is needing all of us at this time.  It'll be fun for her to have the growing experiences of training, and I know that things will go well (at least I am praying that they will =] )

Sunday, of course, was a sad day as I said good bye to the people that I have grown to love. They were all so sweet and kind to me. I'll forever remember the missionary hearts of the people of Sangin ward. They loved missionary work, and though it was hard to do sometimes, they truly found joy in sharing the things that they loved.

In my goodbye testimony, I shared 2 Nephi 5:27, and told them that because of their desire to do work and to love those around them even more, I could tell that they were truly living after the manner of happiness.  True happiness comes when we are in the service of others and in the service of our God.

Sunday afternoon I was blessed to have a wonderful conversation with one of our potential investigators.  Currently she is looking for a religion.  Not just a religion, she is looking for God.  With all of her heart she wants to find what is true.  She admitted that while on her search, she is wanting to learn as much as possible from a variety of denominations so when she goes to Heavenly Father in prayer to know what is right, she will have, what she feels, is needed to understand what truly is true and what is not. 

As we were talking the tears could not be held back as she confessed that she felt like the one lost sheep that no one was willing to come after.  She wanted to find truth and God, and she was willing to go out searching for it.  But, any such endeavor can seem daunting. As she wept, I wept with her.  In that moment I felt and saw a piece of what Joseph Smith must have felt as he searched for the same thing. I cried to know the peace and truth and comfort that she was seeking was right in front of her, yet she could not yet recognize.  As we began to offer the comfort that we had, the comfort that she needed, she stopped us there, and the things she told us next were very significant.

With trust and hope in her eyes she explained that she wanted to save the "Mormon" church for last.  She wanted to go to these different churches and hear what they had to say, but she wanted to save the "Mormon" church for last "so the truth won't be mixed in and confused with the other things I may hear." In her own words she testified what I believe her heart already knows. She knows where the truth is and I know that when she goes to Heavenly Father in prayer, her heart will testify to her mind what she already knows to be true. It was a tender lesson, and I am grateful that it was my last lesson given in the Daegu area.  As if it was a final gift, before the lesson closed, Heavenly Father allowed me to see something in my minds eye. I say this precious Daughter of God standing in white in the Temple. She had a smile on her face and I knew in that moment that when she was ready she would accept this gospel with all of her heart.

Oh, I wish I could use words to tell you all how much I love this gospel! I love everything about it!! I love the joy it brings and the little confirmations of God's love. I love you all dearly and I am excited to talk to y’all tomorrow!!! I'm excited for this chance to go to Haeundae and Gwangan.  It a blessing and a responsibility to go there, but I'm ready to put my faith to the test and try the Lord... and then we'll wait and see the miracles that are in store!

Love y’all! Mean it!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013


HI! How's it going??  Good. Me too! 
This week was full of surprises and unexpected moments.  But they were moments to be grateful for, for sure.

This past week started with a call from President saying that there would be a change in my companionship! YEAH! SURPRISE!!  It wasn't because of us, just some changes needed to happen...well my companion started packing and then the call came again about an hour later saying that we weren't going to be changing after all! (yeah...We don't really understand either...) Though that call was peculiar, I am VERY grateful that it came. When that phone call came and I heard what was going to happen my heart sank and I couldn't hold back the tears.

I wasn't ready to say good-bye to my companion.  I realized that I DID love her and I wanted and needed more time to learn from her and with her. That call had a similar effect on her as well. It was a moment of self-evaluation = if we were to split and one of us go to a different area would we be satisfied with our relationship? WIth our area?  With our efforts? If those questions could be answered in the affirmative, what was the strength of that reply? That phone call have us the chance to move into the next week with greater love, appreciation and determination.

The week that followed was one of wonderful missionary service!!  We had so many miracles! We were able to meet with a less-active that hasn't opened her doors to missionaries and members for nearly a year! We made cookies and talked and shared a message!... and she wants us to come again!

Another less-active, who left the church and is now attending another, gave us her new address and allowed us to visit her at her home! Besides her children, we are the ONLY people she has given her new address to! The conversation and lesson that followed was wonderful.

We had lessons with investigators and we were able to help members with their missionary work!  We had lessons with some new investigators and every day seemed to be packed with things to do.

My experiences with knocking doors in Korea as always been... eh ok. haha Nothing too huge, but it's still fun to be able to go door-to-door in apartments. On Sunday night my companion and I planned to visit a less-active, deliver cookies and a message card and then knock the doors of the complex.

Top floor (we work our way from top to bottom), First Door.. And a man answers!!  At first he is about to close the door on us but we strike up a conversation.  We get him talking about his family and a little about his life.  Though he claims to be buddhist all of his children are Christian. We asked them if his Christian children seemed happy...that made him think.  There we asked him if we could come back and share with him a message that would make him happier. He invited us in right them, but without another girl that was a no go. But he said that we could come back later. 

Next floor... Another woman answers and this time it is a family.  We talk about our message for families and that we teach free English. The conversation that we had with her and she was impressed with all that we were doing. We got her number and we are going to set up a time to go back and teach within her home.

Next floor.. a grandmother opens up. Poor lady can't hear very well, but she explains that she lives all alone. After some sweet talking from my companion, we were able to get her number and tell her will come back to keep her some company every now and then. She seemed excited about that. I'm just glad that we will be able to help her a little bit.

Next floor was the LA’s floor. She wasn't home but we were able to meet her mom, which was the first time for me. And things went great!! We had the mom smiling and the conversation with her was wonderful. I'm excited to see how that goes.  Hopefully by bringing the daughter back, we can bring her family with her.

Missionary work is an interesting thing. When we feel like we aren't doing good enough, or things just aren't working out... sometimes it just takes the effort of giving more love, showing a little more faith and relying on the Lord a little more completely.  We aren't perfect and there will always be hard times, but you can be much happier as you forget yourself and turn out to others.  Turn out in love, out in sharing this Gospel, out in sharing the friendship and blessings that the Savior has given you. I love missionary work and I'm grateful for all our your love and prayers!!!

I miss y’all!!
The next Tuesday, 10am time works PERFECTLY for me!!  EEEKKKKK!!! I get to hear your voices!! YEAH!!!! 

Get ready to tell me able some missionary experiences y’all have been having, some moments when you turned out, and some moments that you have felt God's love because I'll be asking!! Hehe


Choosing the Garden

Darling Family!
HI!! How is everyone doing this week? Sounds like there was some fun times.  Daegu’s weather has been absolutely bi-polar!!! I've had to get my winter coat out again a couple of times.  It's a little ridiculous. I'm ready for warm weather!

I'm REALLY excited to share with y’all what I learned this last week. Heavenly Father really answered my prayers (and I'm sure your prayers as well).  The answers I got this week could not have come without all the love and prayers and letters from each of you, family and friends.  So, thank you.

Part 1
I wanted to share this with y’all. These are the thoughts I wrote after conference. My email last week just didn't do it justice. From the Journal of Sister Wells-Longshore, Thoughts of Conference. "2 Days. 4 general sessions of 2 hours each. 1 Priesthood session of 2 hours. 1 session of either Relief Society or Young Women’s of 2 hours. That is a very small combination of 12 hours in which we have the honor and privilege of hearing the humble and powerful words of Prophets, Seers and Revelators, of men and woman devoting their lives to the Lord. Only 12 hours to have temple-learning experiences, only 12 hours to gather with the Saints of the world and hear the voices of our heroes.  It is only 12 hours, but those 12 hours are most dear and precious.  They are 12 hours that change our hearts, and help us resolve to do more, to be more, to stand a little taller and be a bit more converted. They are words of peace, comfort, and encouragement. They are words of warning, calm, and clarification.  Their words draw us to heaven and an eternal perspective, they take us from the world and put us in a sphere of sacred learning.  They are words of testimony, conversion, and refined faith.  They are words to strengthen, to humble, and to love. My heart soars as I listen to the choirs sing praises and the voices of our leaders testify of Jesus Christ. This year they focused a lot on the family!  Especially the Doctrines and Principles that are found in "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". It's a testimony to realize the Lord prepared this declaration from the Prophets nearly 10 years before it was blatantly needed. 

They talked of the Law of Chastity, with all the love, respect and boldness that it is due. They talked of the responsibility of the Husband and the Wife, especially to each other. There were talks of encouragement.  Keep going forward!  If not in complete faith, then in growing belief, that is part of the process. We were reminded to rely on the Lord, depend on Him and love Him completely. People are imperfect, but the Lord is perfect to love, save, comfort, and forgive - and we can learn from His example. There were messages of encouragement to journey on and move forward through the world.  There is always darkness around us, but we know the source of Light that can penetrate all. Walk in the Light and let the shadows fall behind. Obedience is our love and our liberty. Commandments are our foundation and strength. The Family, a family created by God's divine design, is of eternal and everlasting importance. We are to stand in Holy Places and be not moved. We are the light to the world.  And a world growing in darkness is in perilous need of the Hope we can bring. 

Christ Lives and this is His Church. WOW! I Love Conference!

Part 2
This week I was able to go to Busan with my companion for a training meeting with the other new missionaries. There, we were able to have a discussion with Sister Gilbert.  The Spirit there was so strong and the things we talked about really touched my heart. We talked a lot about love and charity, sacrifice and pride. One of my favorite parts came after I shared what Rory Eyring sent to me via email last week. In his email he shared a portion of Elder Holland’s talk about the Atonement and Missionary Work.  Elder Holland talked about how every missionary is called to follow in Christ's footsteps. Christ's life was devoted to love and service, helping those in need and doing the will of the Father.  Through His faith and obedience He wrought many miracles. But if we are to completely follow Christ's example and life, we will, at some point, need to enter the Garden of Gethsemane. There we will experience pains and sorrows, agony and weakness. Though our personal journey into the Garden does not come close to the Savior's Infinite Atonement and Sacrifice, we each will have trials and hardships to face.

Upon sharing this thought, one Elder made a comment that gave we a whole new perspective. He commented that the Savior's walk in the Garden was a journey of Love. We step into the Garden not just when we are experiencing trails or when making sacrifices, but we must step into the Garden with love, drawing nearer to the Savior.  When Christ stepped into the Garden, He stepped into Love. The same Elder went on to comment that Christ chose Gethsemane. He chose to love beyond Himself. The hardest times in our lives, and for me right now on my mission, will come because I choose them. There is always an easier way = giving up. But when we choose to try and love outwards - love my companion, love my family, love my friends and neighbors, love my Savior- then we are choosing to follow Heavenly Father's will and Christ's Example and enter into our own Gardens. 

So we have a choice. We can choose to walk into the Garden. We can choose to draw nearer to our Savior. I can choose to have a hard time because I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ and I am trying to love as He did, or I can back out. The opposing way is easier.  You don't have to act to hate or have hurt feelings. But it requires action, sacrifice, refinement and courage to love as the Savior did.

This week was still hard, but now I am choosing to enter the Garden and walk closer to my Savior.  I am choosing to love as He did.

Thank you again for all the love and prayers.  Thank you for your wonderful examples! I love you all dearly!

Till next week!
kiss love hugs!