Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunshine and Shorelines!

I'm assuming with no emails from mom and dad that things are going awesome in Hawai’i! They can enjoy their sunshine and shorelines there because I am getting more than enough here! Being right next to the beach is absolutely fantastic!  I love it, and I know my darling SoCal Companion is more than thankful for it as well. 

Well, this past week was BUSY! And I LOVED IT! Every night we come home absolutely exhausted! Seriously, my body just wants to shut down some nights, but there is still so much and too much to do.  Every morning we wake up with our feet still a little sore, but we look forward to another day of hard work.

It's been fun, for our morning exercise we go take a run... up a mountain!  Right near our apartment, there is a mountain with hills, trails and stairs leading up.  It's nice to get some fresh air while our calfs and quads scream in protest.  I think out of all our areas, this one will give me the nicest legs! haha ((it also helps that we make sure that we are home at 9 o’clock every night.  With our packed schedule it makes things a little tight some nights, but Sister Scott isn't afraid to scale some subway stairs and a couple hills in order to be exactly obedient!))

This past week we were able to have some pretty neat lessons with a couple of members and less-actives.  The Lord took what we had prepared and really allowed the Spirit to teach to their hearts. One lesson we talked on faith and shared from Mark 5 about the woman who reached out to simply touch the Savior's robe, having faith that that would be enough.  We talked about how it is not the quantity but the quality of our faith that counts. We talked about scripture reading and prayer and how they strengthen our faith. In the lesson, it didn't feel like we focused on one method in particular, but at the end of the lesson we were impressed to have her offer the prayer.  At first she seemed to nearly refuse, but they she offered up the sweetest prayer of her heart asking the Lord to help her pray more often in faith.  The Spirit really taught to a need that we weren't even aware of.

Another moment came as we were talking with a member.  She had been having a hard time and had taken a lot of offense from what she feels, are inconsiderate members in the ward.  First I said that we would be there to help her out as much as she needed.  She retorted with the fact that I leave in a short time ((70days..)) and that once we are gone she would still have to be in the ward.  That is when the Spirit took over.  I prayed to know what to say that would be able to help her, and the Spirit was able to direct my words.  Heavenly Father then invited her to go heavenwards for her help.  People are imperfect and the world's help and comfort is fleeting and unsatisfying.  But the Lord's help, help sent from heaven, is eternal and healing and loving. That is the help that we all need and that is where we can help people go to. That, I feel, is our purpose.  Going Heavenwards to God and Home.

This weekend we were able celebrate Buddha's Birthday again!! Unlike last year, we weren't able to go anywhere and see the lights, but it was fun to see these beach areas being flooded with foreigners!! It's actually really weird to see other foreigners haha I think my favorite moment was while we were doing some proscylting (I'll never get that spelling down.. the Korean word is so much easier!) anyhow.. while we were down there a girl came up to us with the greeting of "Hi Sisters!!" I can't describe how wonderful it was to hear those words, filled with so much kindness!  What followed was a wonderful conversation with Ellie Atkinson from Idaho!  She's in Seoul teaching school and came down for the celebrations.  Although we couldn't accept her money for ice cream, I was able to get a hug from her and that was wonderful!  I love the Church and the bonds it forms worlds away and with complete strangers.

So many miracles are happening! It's wonderful to see! my companion and I share 3 things every night: 1 miracle, 1 funny moment, and 1 Christ-like attribute we saw in each other that day. It's the perfect way to end every day!  I love missionary work!! I love my companion! and I love being here serving until I literally drop every night! Haha

love y’all! mean it!
kiss love hugs!

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